Trent University, Continuing Education Workshops
The Write Retreat:
~D R E A M S C A P E~ (includes optional yoga)
Date and time: Saturday, April 20, 2024; 9:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Duration and location: 7 hours; In-Person; Catharine Parr Traill College, 315 Dublin Street, Peterborough, ON, K9H 2Z4
Course Description:
How do you nourish your creative self? The Write Retreat is a place and a space to write, connect with other writers, and experience wellness for body, mind, and spirit. For the body, gentle mindful movement and breath practice; for the mind, guided meditation, writing exercises, creative discussion, participation; and for the spirit, sharing your work with one another, deep listening, giving and receiving feedback. Designed with the creative in mind, I invite you to a relaxing day-long retreat that involves writing, yoga, meditation, and a chance to reset and reenergize. If you are looking for the time and focus to engage in the craft of writing and share your work with others, this is the workshop for you.